Daniel Greener-Vigil

Software Engineer / Web Developer

I have been a Software Engineer for 10 years. I have a passion for learning and bring this passion to each project I work on. I am always open and willing to learn something new. I always welcome new challenges and help cultivate those abilities in others. I have worked on multiple projects with a range of technologies. I have experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Android(Java), Storybook, NextJs, Svelte, SolidJS, Bootstrap, React Bootstrap, Tailwind, Jest, React Testing Library, Redux, MUI, and even Wordpress.

I additionally run a freelance partnership called GreenField Development. I have spent the last few years developing this as a mentorship program to assist self taught developers. I sought to provide the additional skills developers need through a project based mentorship designed specifically for each developer with the Agile Methodology, version control practices and standard project management built into the process.

GreenField Dev Info